Error: chain Validation failed

My Survey is on. When the enumerator wants to send data. It is showing “**Error: chain Validation failed”. The enumerator also cannot download the updated form in this device.

Please suggest any solution as soon as possible.

@dataanalyticbd, could you share a screenshot of the error message so that the community should be able to understand your issue pictorially? What is your enumerator collecting data with? Enketo? Collect android app?

we are collecting data through the android app. the following screenshot is the error message


This is urgent because my survey is going on. Some enumerator cannot send data. The following error shows:

Please suggest as soon as possible, how can I fix this problem

@dataanalyticbd, could you check the date and time of your device? Sometimes you may get this error message when the date and time are distorted. Please let us know on what happens.

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The problem is solved after changing the device time and date automatic.



Thank you for confirming @dataanalyticbd!

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