Welcome to the community, @MigraMundo! Could you also share with the community a screenshot of your issue? Could you also please let us know the server you are using? Also, please let us know if this project was redeployed.
Yes, the original project/questions have been reorganized and redeployed some times. New answer options, or deletion of others… So the final project have some different previous “versions”.
Yeah, no problem downloading in that, I get a working excel file. The only problem seems to be that I lose all media data and files linked to the registries. And also, umap, where I inttend to use the data, does not support that file type. Geojson is the optimal (nearly one and only) that fits what I’m trying to do. No pressure jajajjaja. Thanks a lot @Kal_Lam !!
Hi @MigraMundo, this error might be related to the issue here:
Unfortunately there is no quick-fix workaround for this at the moment and I will have to investigate further. Please continue using the XLS export in the meantime.
Hi @MigraMundo, that actually is not currently a feature of the geoJSON format however, including the media URL as we do in the XLS and CSV export is something that can be incorporated in the future.
Hi @Josh !! One quick (and maybe stupid question): which is the export format that allows more geographical information to be transferred from the original Kobo questionary to other maps apps? (such as uMap, OpenStreetMaps)
Hi @MigraMundo, geoJSON should be the format for exactly that purpose — unfortunately it’s failing right now
All the geographical data is included in the XLS and CSV exports, but just not in an immediately usable format for other mapping platforms.
Hi @MigraMundo, the geoJSON has worked in the past but is likely not used very often otherwise this issue would have come up earlier — so thank you for finding it! I am working on a fix now