Error - failed to deploy

Hi there,

I’m getting this error ‘>> Something broke the parser. See above for a hint.
Error evaluating field ‘consentgiven’: The problem was located in Relevant expression for ${consentgiven}
XPath evaluation: cannot handle function ‘selected’ requires 2 arguments. Only 1 provided.’

I have found threads about dependency cycles but not about this…



Cycle would give a different message. You probably only have a syntax error here, like your error message says
consentgiven field in the relevant
selected’ requires 2 arguments. Only 1 provided.’
Best regards

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Hi @sbelfield,

Please feel free to share your xlsform with the community if you still see the error message.

Have a great day!

Hi Sophie,
Welcome to the community forum. Can you please download your XLS form and share it with us for us as suggested by @Kal_Lam ? We can then help you sort the issue with the syntax in your form; this is the issue as pointed out by @wroos


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