Error failed to list asset - in project window and nothing visible ( i have 7-8 projects )

Hi @Kal_Lam,

I still have this problem currently, Could you please suggest

Hi @Okard,

Kindly please be informed that the issue has been reported to the developers!


Thank you very much

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Hi there,
Why am i finding this issue with my login?


Not able to manage my projects.

Hey all,

After long weeks away, I was back trying to get into my account and got the same message. I donā€™t know the reason but I would like to catch Koboā€™s team on the issue as it appears that it touches many people.
But anyway, hereā€™s a quick tip on how I resolved it. I have two accounts, the first one was to test the platform for my organization and the second one is the ā€œrealā€ one. As I was trying to connect with the real one, I got the same error. So I just by chance tried to connect the second account and it worked fine. I disconnected, reconnected with my real account and it resolved the issue. I donā€™t know if can work on everybody. But I would recommend anyone having an issue but have an urgent need of the platform to try my method.

Have a great day boys and girls.

Hi everyone,

This issue is also happening on the server side. Iā€™m not sure why it is happening now, I can share more details but I believe everything is mentioned by others above.
ā€œFailed to get permissions configā€, ā€œfailed to list assetsā€, ā€œfailed to perform export taskā€ā€¦ etc.
Our username is sreoconsulting.

Is there anything we can do to resolve this, or is it mainly a server issue?

Thank you!

Hi @miranto,

Welcome to the community!

Hi @mohan_n, @Karem,

Thank you for flagging the issue. Kindly please be informed that the issue has been flagged to the developers (and should be resolved soon)!


The same issue happened to me this afternoon. But this time the server looks working fine again. Thank you Kobo Team. Kudos.

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Thank you It has been resolved.


Just closing this up that this issue was a bug on our system and this has since been fully resolved.


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