I need help in this
when i tries to login the kobo tool box , till yesterday everything was fine and visible but since morning when i logged in , it does not show the projects , so i am not able to work on it , rather this i could be able to open in legacy view
Welcome to the community! Could you share with us the screenshot of the blank window that you see. Besides, would you mind letting us know the server (OCHA or HHI) you are using.
Please be informed that if the forms were not deployed from your user account and was deployed by someone else but was shared with you; the moment the user un-shares the project you will not be able to see anything in your account. Hence in this regards, please confirm that it was you who deployed the form.
I hope you are looking at this. I just checked with a colleague and he is able to load the projects list. I still am not and it is hampering rollout of a multi-country survey due tomorrow.
Thank you all for bringing this to our attention and we apologize for the inconvenience. We have pinpointed the issue and it is related to some of the server maintenance we performed on kf.kobotoolbox.org yesterday. We hope to have it resolved by the end of today and will let you know here when it’s done.
EDIT: Everything should be working now. Please let us know if otherwise
Your should should be solved by now. Would you mind checking your account! Kindly please let us know in details the issue you are facing if the issue still persists!