Error: Form cannot preview and deploy

I am editing my form and updating some questions to capture my study objectives but am unable to save, preview and deploy. See the screenshot of the error message

@femidavid, have you validated your xlsform through this online validator? It should help you identify the syntax errors present within your xlsform. Fix them and you should be able to deploy your survey project without any issue.

I have followed the steps by downloading Java 8 and installed it. Then I downloaded ODK-Validate-v1.16.0.jar and followed the steps by opening the file and open it. Having clicked on “validate again” severally, the screenshot is displayed

. What is next?

I am still unable to save, preview form and deploy

You could simply use the online version of the online validator. It does not need any installation.

Used the online validation but still receiving errors. Having uploaded the XLS (Legacy) format, still showing errors. See the screenshot

Evidence to show that the file being attached:

Please press the Submit and see if you see any error message there.

Having pressed submit, an error is shown:

“Error: The survey sheet is either empty or missing important column headers.”

Seems like you don’t have a survey sheet in your xlsform. The survey sheet is one of the mandatory sheet in an xlsform.

I don’t understand a survey sheet (in xlsform)?
The original name of my form:


XLS (Legacy) renamed the file to:

See the screenshot of the evidence

of 1 submission and file name

Please download your xlsform as outlined in this post:

I have done the process but yet to be validated online.
I followed the steps to download the xlsform and upload the file online for validation. I received : Error: There has been a problem trying to replace ${} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘’. There is no survey element with this name.

Still I cannot save the edited forms, preview and deploy?
Solution will be appreciate. Thanks

Are you there?

I cannot preview a form and deploy an edited form. The validation suggested unresolved. I keep saying this on the online validation: “Error: There has been a problem trying to replace ${} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘’. There is no survey element with this name.”

When clicking preview, it shows the below:

There has been a problem trying to replace ${} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘’. There is no survey element with this name."

When I clicked on deployed, it displays the below:
unable to deploy
your form cannot be deployed because it contains errors:

Unexpected KoBoCAT error 400: b’{“detail”:“There has been a problem trying to replace ${} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘’. There is no survey element with this name.”}’

Help, help, help, please. I need to deploy this form and start data collection!

Maybe you will need to share your xlsform with the community. The community should be able to help you out.

acvX9jgcjmRHR4KUUcfagN (1).xlsx (10.0 KB)

Attached is the xlsform. Thank you

Hi @femidavid
Kindly check on row 23 of your Excel and corrent your relevant logic.


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Solved. Thank you and I really appreciate.

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