Error <label> node for itemset doesn't exist when using select from file with multiple languages

Dear all,

In a form I created I am using a select_one_from_file question where respondents are asked to fill out their nationality. I opted for a select from file question here due to the large number of nationalities. When I upload this file in English (with a name and a label column), all goes well. When adding a column in Arabic, I get the error node for itemset doesn’t exist.
Having the nationalities in Arabic is important, as all data collection will be in Arabic. Having them also in English is preferable, as the design & analysis will be in English. The default language is currently set to English. Combining both languages works very well for all other parts of the form, only the file seems to be giving errors.

Things I tried:

  • two columns: name & label, with English labels (works)
  • two columns: name & label, with Arabic labels (does not work)
  • two columns: name & label::Arabic (ar) (does not work)
  • three columns: name, label::English (en) & label::Arabic (ar) (most preferable option, but does not work)

Alternative that I am considering: change the question to a ‘regular’ select_one question and have the nationalities as choice lists in the xlsform. However, since my form is already quite long (700+ rows in the choices sheet currently) I would not prefer this. If it should not be a problem, I could consider this solution.

I am using Kobo Collect and designed the form in XLSform. I validated using the getODK link and there are no problems. I could share my form, but it is very long so I would rather not.

Any advice on how to solve this? Thanks a lot in advance!

@giteLU, kindly please be informed that the system still does not support this. You should be able see the GitHub issue being recorded here:

Thank you once again for your swift reply!
It’s a pity that it is not supported - in my case it concerns ‘only’ 195 answer options in the external file so I will merge it with the xlsform.

Is the use of external files in a multi-language survey an issue in any case, or is it only problematic when using both languages in the external file? I am asking because I use a hidden select_from_file question elsewhere in my survey to select answer options from multiple previous questions, using a combination of calculations and a choice_filter. As this question is hidden and only serves a purpose ‘in the background’ I wrote it in English only and it seems to be working on my tablet with kobo collect. We did however get some errors importing the file into some of the tablets to be used by enumerators (with system language set as Arabic), but not in others. In some cases resetting the app solved it, but in others it seems like a recurring issue.

@giteLU, it’s only an issue when using both languages.

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Thanks! In that case I’ll keep it.

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