Error Message "pop from empty list"

Hi everyone, I’ve finalized and uploaded a survey and when I go to view the draft, I receive an error message “pop from empty list.” I have never received this before and am unsure how to troubleshoot. Thanks.

Hi @cmarin
Welcome to the community forum.
One likelihood is that you have provided for a list in either a select_one or select_multiple question and no list provided in the choices sheet. I suggest you have a look at your form and then see if this is the case. If not, kindly send us the XLS version of the form and we will look at it.



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Hi Stephane, thanks for the prompt response. I ultimately went line by line in the form and it seemed there were reference links that were incomplete which was causing the problem. Thanks!


seems an unmatched “end group” at the end of a form can also cause this “pop from empty list” error message.

I have just spent the best part of an hour trying to find a problem with lists and select_one questions when the problem turned out to be an “end group” well down the page I’d failed to delete - I’d used another form to start a new one and missed one line when clearing the information I didn’t need.

hopefully saves someone else some pain!


@the_barn8 :clap: :heart:

Thank you, just what I needed :slight_smile:

1 Like

Thank you so much. I encountered a similar problem. I followed your advice, and it really worked.

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type name label required appearance relevant parameters choice_filter calculation
start start
end end
today today
username username
simserial simserial
subscriberid subscriberid
deviceid deviceid
phonenumber phonenumber
note Intro_3 +++ 2024 - ZANACO Service Survey +++’ false
select_one enmt enmt Name of Enumerator true quick
select_one spvs spvs Name of Supervisor true quick
begin_group group_gw8og15 Group false field-list
note sec0 SECTION 0: INTRODUCTION & CONSENT false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_d RESPONDENT IS ${respdnt} false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note Intro_1 Good morning/afternoon! My name is ${enmt}. Im working with Lodzindaba Dauya a student at Binary University research unit based in Lusaka, Zambia. We are conducting a survey that is part of a research project to understand better the economics of Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) Plc in this Town. You have been selected because of your gender, age and experience in financial transanctions in Zambia. The survey will take about about an hour of your precious time and whatever will be discussed will remain confidential and will only be used for this research. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no fp01 Do you agree to take part in this 2024 - ZANACO Service Survey? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
time time_begin Start Time true ${fp01} = ‘1’
time date_8 Date of Interview true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one county county Name of District true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text branch Name of a nearest ZANACO Branch true ${fp01} = ‘1’
geopoint GPS_Location GPS Location (loaded automatically ) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one respdnt respdnt The respondent is true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text cov1 Name of Respondent/Hypothetical/Nickname true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text residence Where do you stay (Location/Residence)? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no literacy Can you read and write (Any short statement) in any language? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov3_1 Do you have a working mobile phone? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer cov3_2 Get the phone number for the respondent (10 digits) true ${cov3_1} = ‘1’
begin_group group_gw8og15_002 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note seca Part A: Demographic Charaterisitics false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note pid1_a00 I would like to know the number of all the people who live in this household. Please list all the people that stay here, eat and cook together in the household.
false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_e HOUSEHOLD (HH) :is a person or group of persons who occupy a part of or an entire building and who usually live together and eat from the same kitchen. What is meant by eating from one kitchen is that the arrangement to fulfill daily necessities is jointly managed false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_f HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (HHH) :is a person among the group of householders who is responsible for satisfying daily necessities of the household or a person who is regarded false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_g HOUSEHOLD MEMBER (HHM):is anyone who usually lives in the household, whether she/he is at home during the survey or is temporarily absent. A householder who has been away for 6 or more months, and a householder who has been away for less than 6 months but plans to move out/be away for 6 or more months is not regarded as a householder. A guest who has stayed in the household for 6 or more months or a guest who has stayed in the household for less than 6 months but plans to stay for 6 or more months is regarded as a householder. (THE NAME OF A HOUSEHOLDER IS WRITTEN) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a04 pid1_a04_1 QA1. Indicate respondent Sex: (0=‘Male’ or 1=‘Female’) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a03 pid1_a03_1 QA2. What is your relationship with the household head? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a04 pid1_a04_2 QA3. What is the sex of the household head? (Male or Female) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer pid1_a05_1 QA4. Last birth day how old were you? (in complete years) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a05a pid1_a05a_1 QA5. What is your marital status? (Probe: If single) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer hhm QA6.0 How many persons or members live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer under_5 QA6…1 How many children aged under 5 years live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer Nworkers QA6…2 How many workers live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a06 pid1_a06_1 QA7. What is your highest level of education you completed? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de001 de001 QA8. What is your main occupation? (Work that gives the most income) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de001_oth Other (specify) true ${de001} = ‘77’
note de002 QA9. What is the amount you spent last month on each of the following for your household? (Monthly Expenditure) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de003 9.1 Education true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de004 9.2 Health care true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de005 9.3 Food and beverages true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de006 9.4 Clothing true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de007 9.5 Housing true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de008 9.6 Other household expenses (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de008_oth Other (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note secb PART B: Perception on ZANACO’s Efficiency false ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_B Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_multiple de009 de009 B0.1 What do you think makes this bank tick? (Multiple answers possible) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note charge B0.2 Does ZANACO charge:- false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de010 de010 2.1 Overdraft fees? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de011 de011 2.2 ATM usage fees? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de012 de012 2.3 Account maintanence fees true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de013 de013 2.4 Statement copy fees true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de014 Other (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de015 de015 B1. Did your bank face any financial obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de016 de016 B1a. How often did this happen? true ${015} = ‘1’
text de017 If yes, to what extent has the financials affected its efficiency? true ${015} = ‘1’
select_one de018 de018 B2. Did your bank face any administrative obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de019 de019 B2a. How often did this happen? true ${018} = ‘1’
text de020 If yes, to what extent has this affected its efficiency? true ${018} = ‘1’
select_one de021 de021 B3. Did your bank face any managerial obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de022 de022 B3a. How often did this happen? true ${021} = ‘1’
text de023 If yes, to what extent has this affected its efficiency? true ${021} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sec_c Part C: Service or Product Satisfaction false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_i Now, I want to ask you some questions about services or product satisfaction for this bank. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note de024 C1. What are the following services or products do you frequently access at this branch? (MULTIPLE RESPONSE) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de025 de025 1.1 Cash deposit true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de026 de026 1.2 ATM true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de027 de027 1.3 Social banking true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de028 de028 1.4 Savings true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de029 de029 1.5 Loans true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de030 de030 1.6 Cheques true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de031 de031 1.7 Investments true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de032 de032 1.8 Debit Cards true ${b03} = ‘1’
select_one de033 de033 1.9 Xapit true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de034 de034 1.10 Internet banking true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de035 de035 1.11 Money Transfer true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C1 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_rate Now, I want to ask you how you rate the following ZANACO’s services or products. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de036 de036 C1. What are the services or products you frequently access at this branch? (MULTIPLE RESPONSE) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de037 Other (specify) true ${de036} = ‘77’
range de038 1.1 Slide to select the rate of CASH DEPOSIT [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de039 1.2 ATM: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de040 1.3 Social banking: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de041 1.4 Savings: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de042 1.5 Loans: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de043 1.6 Cheques: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de044 1.7 Investments: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de045 1.8 Debit Cards: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de046 1.9 Xapit: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de047 1.10 Internet banking: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de048 1.11 Money Transfer: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de049 Other (specify): [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
select_one de049_1 de049_1 C3. Where do you mainly get your information about the bank services/products? (Single Response) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de049_2 de049_2 Other (Specify) true ${de049_1} = ‘77’
select_multiple de051 de051 C4. Do you think ZANACO Bank Plc has any of the following marketing strategies in place? Tick All that apply (Multiple Responses) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C2 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_reco C5. What is your recommendation for this financial institution to remain as Zambia’s……… false ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de052 5.1 Leading bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de053 5.2 Admired bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de054 5.3 Preferred bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de055 5.4 Innovative bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de056 de056 C6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me related to the questions already asked? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de057 6.1. If Yes, (take note). true ${de056} = ‘1’
note SEC_CP Part D: FOR INTERVIEWEE SESSION NOTES false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de058 de058 What was the language used in the entire/most of the interview? true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de059 Other Specify true quick ${de058} = ‘77’
select_one de060 de060 Were there any other language used (if any)? true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de061 Other Specify true quick ${de060} = ‘77’
select_one yes_no de062 Use interpreter true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_un3sh46 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_multiple de063 de063 Who else (another person) other than the respondent was present during the interview? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de064 de064 How would the enumerator assess the appropriateness of the respondent’s answers? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de065 de065 How would the enumerator assess the seriousness of the respondent’s answers? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_de1gk64 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de066 notes_1. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de067 notes_2. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de068 notes_3. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de069 notes_4. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de070 notes_5. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_ew45m49 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one cov6 cov6 RESULT OF VISIT true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_a Observed by Supervisor true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_b Checked true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_c Verified true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one cov7_d cov7_d Method of verification true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’ and ${cov7_c} = ‘1’
time time_end_3 TIME END true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note endnote Thank you, this marks the end of our interview. Do you have any questions to ask us before we leave? false quick ${wave2023} = ‘0’
type name label required appearance relevant parameters choice_filter calculation
start start
end end
today today
username username
simserial simserial
subscriberid subscriberid
deviceid deviceid
phonenumber phonenumber
note Intro_3 +++ 2024 - ZANACO Service Survey +++’ false
select_one enmt enmt Name of Enumerator true quick
select_one spvs spvs Name of Supervisor true quick
begin_group group_gw8og15 Group false field-list
note sec0 SECTION 0: INTRODUCTION & CONSENT false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_d RESPONDENT IS ${respdnt} false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note Intro_1 Good morning/afternoon! My name is ${enmt}. Im working with Lodzindaba Dauya a student at Binary University research unit based in Lusaka, Zambia. We are conducting a survey that is part of a research project to understand better the economics of Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) Plc in this Town. You have been selected because of your gender, age and experience in financial transanctions in Zambia. The survey will take about about an hour of your precious time and whatever will be discussed will remain confidential and will only be used for this research. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no fp01 Do you agree to take part in this 2024 - ZANACO Service Survey? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
time time_begin Start Time true ${fp01} = ‘1’
time date_8 Date of Interview true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one county county Name of District true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text branch Name of a nearest ZANACO Branch true ${fp01} = ‘1’
geopoint GPS_Location GPS Location (loaded automatically ) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one respdnt respdnt The respondent is true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text cov1 Name of Respondent/Hypothetical/Nickname true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text residence Where do you stay (Location/Residence)? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no literacy Can you read and write (Any short statement) in any language? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov3_1 Do you have a working mobile phone? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text cov3_2 Get the phone number for the respondent (10 digits) true ${cov3_1} = ‘1’
begin_group group_gw8og15_002 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note seca Part A: Demographic Charaterisitics false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note pid1_a00 I would like to know the number of all the people who live in this household. Please list all the people that stay here, eat and cook together in the household.
false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_e HOUSEHOLD (HH) :is a person or group of persons who occupy a part of or an entire building and who usually live together and eat from the same kitchen. What is meant by eating from one kitchen is that the arrangement to fulfill daily necessities is jointly managed false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_f HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (HHH) :is a person among the group of householders who is responsible for satisfying daily necessities of the household or a person who is regarded false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_g HOUSEHOLD MEMBER (HHM):is anyone who usually lives in the household, whether she/he is at home during the survey or is temporarily absent. A householder who has been away for 6 or more months, and a householder who has been away for less than 6 months but plans to move out/be away for 6 or more months is not regarded as a householder. A guest who has stayed in the household for 6 or more months or a guest who has stayed in the household for less than 6 months but plans to stay for 6 or more months is regarded as a householder. (THE NAME OF A HOUSEHOLDER IS WRITTEN) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a04 pid1_a04_1 QA1. Indicate respondent Sex: (0=‘Male’ or 1=‘Female’) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a03 pid1_a03_1 QA2. What is your relationship with the household head? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a04 pid1_a04_2 QA3. What is the sex of the household head? (Male or Female) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer pid1_a05_1 QA4. Last birth day, how old were you? (in complete years) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a05a pid1_a05a QA5. What is your marital status? (Probe: If single) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer hhm QA6.0 How many persons or members live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer under_5 QA6…1 How many children aged under 5 years live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer Nworkers QA6…2 How many workers live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a06 pid1_a06 QA7. What is your highest level of education you completed? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de001 de001 QA8. What is your main occupation? (Work that gives the most income) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de001_oth Other (specify) true ${de001} = ‘77’
note de002 QA9. What is the amount you spent last month on each of the following for your household? (Monthly Expenditure) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de003 9.1 Education true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de004 9.2 Health care true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de005 9.3 Food and beverages true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de006 9.4 Clothing true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de007 9.5 Housing true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de008 9.6 Other household expenses (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de008_oth Other (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note secb PART B: Perception on ZANACO’s Efficiency false ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_B Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_multiple de009 de009 B0.1 What do you think makes this bank tick? (Multiple answers possible) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note charge B0.2 Does ZANACO charge:- false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de010 de010 2.1 Overdraft fees? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de011 de011 2.2 ATM usage fees? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de012 de012 2.3 Account maintanence fees true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de013 de013 2.4 Statement copy fees true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de014 Other (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de015 de015 B1. Did your bank face any financial obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de016 de016 B1a. How often did this happen? true ${015} = ‘1’
text de017 If yes, to what extent has the financials affected its efficiency? true ${015} = ‘1’
select_one de018 de018 B2. Did your bank face any administrative obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de019 de019 B2a. How often did this happen? true ${018} = ‘1’
text de020 If yes, to what extent has this affected its efficiency? true ${018} = ‘1’
select_one de021 de021 B3. Did your bank face any managerial obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de022 de022 B3a. How often did this happen? true ${021} = ‘1’
text de023 If yes, to what extent has this affected its efficiency? true ${021} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sec_c Part C: Service or Product Satisfaction false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_i Now, I want to ask you some questions about services or product satisfaction for this bank. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note de024 C1. What are the following services or products do you frequently access at this branch? (MULTIPLE RESPONSE) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de025 de025 1.1 Cash deposit true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de026 de026 1.2 ATM true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de027 de027 1.3 Social banking true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de028 de028 1.4 Savings true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de029 de029 1.5 Loans true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de030 de030 1.6 Cheques true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de031 de031 1.7 Investments true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de032 de032 1.8 Debit Cards true ${b03} = ‘1’
select_one de033 de033 1.9 Xapit true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de034 de034 1.10 Internet banking true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de035 de035 1.11 Money Transfer true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C1 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_rate Now, I want to ask you how you rate the following ZANACO’s services or products. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de036 de036 C1. What are the services or products you frequently access at this branch? (MULTIPLE RESPONSE) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de037 Other (specify) true ${de036} = ‘77’
range de038 1.1 Slide to select the rate of CASH DEPOSIT [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de039 1.2 ATM: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de040 1.3 Social banking: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de041 1.4 Savings: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de042 1.5 Loans: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de043 1.6 Cheques: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de044 1.7 Investments: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de045 1.8 Debit Cards: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de046 1.9 Xapit: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de047 1.10 Internet banking: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de048 1.11 Money Transfer: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de049 Other (specify): [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
select_one de049_1 de049_1 C3. Where do you mainly get your information about the bank services/products? (Single Response) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de049_2 de049_2 Other (Specify) true ${de049_1} = ‘77’
select_multiple de051 de051 C4. Do you think ZANACO Bank Plc has any of the following marketing strategies in place? Tick All that apply (Multiple Responses) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C2 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_reco C5. What is your recommendation for this financial institution to remain as Zambia’s……… false ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de052 5.1 Leading bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de053 5.2 Admired bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de054 5.3 Preferred bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de055 5.4 Innovative bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de056 de056 C6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me related to the questions already asked? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de057 6.1. If Yes, (take note). true ${de056} = ‘1’
note SEC_CP Part D: FOR INTERVIEWEE SESSION NOTES false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de058 de058 What was the language used in the entire/most of the interview? true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de059 Other Specify true quick ${de058} = ‘77’
select_one de060 de060 Were there any other language used (if any)? true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de061 Other Specify true quick ${de060} = ‘77’
select_one yes_no de062 Use interpreter true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_un3sh46 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_multiple de063 de063 Who else (another person) other than the respondent was present during the interview? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de064 de064 How would the enumerator assess the appropriateness of the respondent’s answers? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de065 de065 How would the enumerator assess the seriousness of the respondent’s answers? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_de1gk64 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de066 notes_1. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de067 notes_2. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de068 notes_3. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de069 notes_4. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de070 notes_5. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_ew45m49 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one cov6 cov6 RESULT OF VISIT true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_a Observed by Supervisor true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_b Checked true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_c Verified true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one cov7_d cov7_d Method of verification true ${fp01} = ‘1’ and ${cov7_c} = ‘1’
time time_end_3 TIME END true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note endnote Thank you, this marks the end of our interview. Do you have any questions to ask us before we leave? false quick ${wave2023} = ‘0’
type name label required appearance relevant parameters choice_filter calculation
start start
end end
today today
username username
simserial simserial
subscriberid subscriberid
deviceid deviceid
phonenumber phonenumber
note Intro_3 +++ 2024 - ZANACO Service Survey +++’ false
select_one enmt enmt Name of Enumerator true quick
select_one spvs spvs Name of Supervisor true quick
begin_group group_gw8og15 Group false field-list
note sec0 SECTION 0: INTRODUCTION & CONSENT false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_d RESPONDENT IS ${respdnt} false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note Intro_1 Good morning/afternoon! My name is ${enmt}. Im working with Lodzindaba Dauya a student at Binary University research unit based in Lusaka, Zambia. We are conducting a survey that is part of a research project to understand better the economics of Zambia National Commercial Bank (ZANACO) Plc in this Town. You have been selected because of your gender, age and experience in financial transanctions in Zambia. The survey will take about about an hour of your precious time and whatever will be discussed will remain confidential and will only be used for this research. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no fp01 Do you agree to take part in this 2024 - ZANACO Service Survey? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
time time_begin Start Time true ${fp01} = ‘1’
time date_8 Date of Interview true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one county county Name of District true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text branch Name of a nearest ZANACO Branch true ${fp01} = ‘1’
geopoint GPS_Location GPS Location (loaded automatically ) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one respdnt respdnt The respondent is true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text cov1 Name of Respondent/Hypothetical/Nickname true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text residence Where do you stay (Location/Residence)? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no literacy Can you read and write (Any short statement) in any language? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov3_1 Do you have a working mobile phone? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text cov3_2 Get the phone number for the respondent (10 digits) true ${cov3_1} = ‘1’
begin_group group_gw8og15_002 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note seca Part A: Demographic Charaterisitics false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note pid1_a00 I would like to know the number of all the people who live in this household. Please list all the people that stay here, eat and cook together in the household.
false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_e HOUSEHOLD (HH) :is a person or group of persons who occupy a part of or an entire building and who usually live together and eat from the same kitchen. What is meant by eating from one kitchen is that the arrangement to fulfill daily necessities is jointly managed false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_f HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD (HHH) :is a person among the group of householders who is responsible for satisfying daily necessities of the household or a person who is regarded false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_g HOUSEHOLD MEMBER (HHM):is anyone who usually lives in the household, whether she/he is at home during the survey or is temporarily absent. A householder who has been away for 6 or more months, and a householder who has been away for less than 6 months but plans to move out/be away for 6 or more months is not regarded as a householder. A guest who has stayed in the household for 6 or more months or a guest who has stayed in the household for less than 6 months but plans to stay for 6 or more months is regarded as a householder. (THE NAME OF A HOUSEHOLDER IS WRITTEN) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a04 pid1_a04_1 QA1. Indicate respondent Sex: (0=‘Male’ or 1=‘Female’) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a03 pid1_a03_1 QA2. What is your relationship with the household head? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a04 pid1_a04_2 QA3. What is the sex of the household head? (Male or Female) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer pid1_a05_1 QA4. Last birth day, how old were you? (in complete years) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a05a pid1_a05a QA5. What is your marital status? (Probe: If single) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer hhm QA6.0 How many persons or members live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer under_5 QA6…1 How many children aged under 5 years live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer Nworkers QA6…2 How many workers live in your household? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one pid1_a06 pid1_a06 QA7. What is your highest level of education you completed? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de001 de001 QA8. What is your main occupation? (Work that gives the most income) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de001_oth Other (specify) true ${de001} = ‘77’
note de002 QA9. What is the amount you spent last month on each of the following for your household? (Monthly Expenditure) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de003 9.1 Education true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de004 9.2 Health care true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de005 9.3 Food and beverages true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de006 9.4 Clothing true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de007 9.5 Housing true ${fp01} = ‘1’
integer de008 9.6 Other household expenses (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de008_oth Other (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note secb PART B: Perception on ZANACO’s Efficiency false ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_B Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_multiple de009 de009 B0.1 What do you think makes this bank tick? (Multiple answers possible) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note charge B0.2 Does ZANACO charge:- false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de010 de010 2.1 Overdraft fees? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de011 de011 2.2 ATM usage fees? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de012 de012 2.3 Account maintanence fees true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de013 de013 2.4 Statement copy fees true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de014 Other (specify) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de015 de015 B1. Did your bank face any financial obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de016 de016 B1a. How often did this happen? true ${015} = ‘1’
text de017 If yes, to what extent has the financials affected its efficiency? true ${015} = ‘1’
select_one de018 de018 B2. Did your bank face any administrative obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de019 de019 B2a. How often did this happen? true ${018} = ‘1’
text de020 If yes, to what extent has this affected its efficiency? true ${018} = ‘1’
select_one de021 de021 B3. Did your bank face any managerial obstacles in the last 12 months? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de022 de022 B3a. How often did this happen? true ${021} = ‘1’
text de023 If yes, to what extent has this affected its efficiency? true ${021} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sec_c Part C: Service or Product Satisfaction false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_i Now, I want to ask you some questions about services or product satisfaction for this bank. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
note de024 C1. What are the following services or products do you frequently access at this branch? (MULTIPLE RESPONSE) false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de025 de025 1.1 Cash deposit true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de026 de026 1.2 ATM true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de027 de027 1.3 Social banking true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de028 de028 1.4 Savings true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de029 de029 1.5 Loans true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de030 de030 1.6 Cheques true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de031 de031 1.7 Investments true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de032 de032 1.8 Debit Cards true ${b03} = ‘1’
select_one de033 de033 1.9 Xapit true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de034 de034 1.10 Internet banking true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de035 de035 1.11 Money Transfer true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C1 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_rate Now, I want to ask you how you rate the following ZANACO’s services or products. false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de036 de036 C1. What are the services or products you frequently access at this branch? (MULTIPLE RESPONSE) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de037 Other (specify) true ${de036} = ‘77’
range de038 1.1 Slide to select the rate of CASH DEPOSIT [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de039 1.2 ATM: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de040 1.3 Social banking: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de041 1.4 Savings: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de042 1.5 Loans: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de043 1.6 Cheques: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de044 1.7 Investments: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de045 1.8 Debit Cards: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de046 1.9 Xapit: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de047 1.10 Internet banking: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de048 1.11 Money Transfer: [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
range de049 Other (specify): [Between the range 1 to 6 [i.e. 6 Most Effective and 1 Least Effective] true ${fp01} = ‘1’ start=1 end=6 step=1
select_one de049_1 de049_1 C3. Where do you mainly get your information about the bank services/products? (Single Response) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de049_2 de049_2 Other (Specify) true ${de049_1} = ‘77’
select_multiple de051 de051 C4. Do you think ZANACO Bank Plc has any of the following marketing strategies in place? Tick All that apply (Multiple Responses) true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group Part_C2 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
note sc_reco C5. What is your recommendation for this financial institution to remain as Zambia’s……… false ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de052 5.1 Leading bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de053 5.2 Admired bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de054 5.3 Preferred bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de055 5.4 Innovative bank? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de056 de056 C6. Is there anything else you would like to tell me related to the questions already asked? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de057 6.1. If Yes, (take note). true ${de056} = ‘1’
note SEC_CP Part D: FOR INTERVIEWEE SESSION NOTES false ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de058 de058 What was the language used in the entire/most of the interview? true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de059 Other Specify true quick ${de058} = ‘77’
select_one de060 de060 Were there any other language used (if any)? true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de061 Other Specify true quick ${de060} = ‘77’
select_one yes_no de062 Use interpreter true quick ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_un3sh46 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_multiple de063 de063 Who else (another person) other than the respondent was present during the interview? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de064 de064 How would the enumerator assess the appropriateness of the respondent’s answers? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one de065 de065 How would the enumerator assess the seriousness of the respondent’s answers? true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_de1gk64 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de066 notes_1. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de067 notes_2. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de068 notes_3. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de069 notes_4. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
text de070 notes_5. NOTES: true ${fp01} = ‘1’
begin_group group_ew45m49 Group false field-list ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one cov6 cov6 RESULT OF VISIT true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_a Observed by Supervisor true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_b Checked true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one yes_no cov7_c Verified true ${fp01} = ‘1’
select_one cov7_d cov7_d Method of verification true ${fp01} = ‘1’ and ${cov7_c} = ‘1’
time time_end_3 TIME END true ${fp01} = ‘1’
note endnote Thank you, this marks the end of our interview. Do you have any questions to ask us before we leave? false quick ${wave2023} = ‘0’