I recently was trying to use kobo toolbox for a community survey.
After I uploaded the questions and deployed the form I tried to submit a sample response for the survey in which I faced the following error:
Error Details
RangeError: Invalid array length
Survey Form Link: https://ee.kobotoolbox.org/x/#0DuwcUew
Also when filling the form I felt that the skip logics of my form did not work.
Expected behavior
I expected the form to accept responses and the skip logics to work as data fed
Welcome to the community! Could you share with us yous xlsform (by downloading it as outlined here) so that we could have a look at our end and help sort out the issue for you.
Please be informed that the parameters you used for the range question had errors i.e. it had start=0;end=5;step=0 which i corrected it as start=0;end=5;step=1. Besides, i have also corrected the label and hint highlighted in yellow which was marked as label::English (En). Please note that you need not label the language to a specific language type when you only have one language in your survey form.