Error message when trying to deploy form

Hi everyone, I’m trying to deploy my form on Kobo and I get this error message:

There has been a problem trying to replace ${} with the XPath to the survey element named ‘’. There is no survey element with this name.

Is anyone able to help?

Thanks, Rachel

Hi @rachrigby,

Welcome to the community! Would you mind checking your xlsform with to identify and correct the existing syntax errors.

Hi, it’s not an xlsform - I built the survey from scratch within Kobo. So not sure how to check it against xls?

Hi @rachrigby,

You could do this by downloading the xlsform from the Form Tab.

you probably have a totally empty ${} syntax at one place.

The problem is also shown in Preview


If i{} is NOT empty, but there is is a wrong reference-name, you will normally another error message:
On Preview
On deplloy

Kind regards