Error on getting some images of submissions "could not be found (leave unchanged if already submitted and you want to preserve it)."


We got the error below for some of our submitted photos. The problem seems to only appears on about ten submissions out of thousands.

File 20230629_105553-19_25_4.jpg could not be found (leave unchanged if already submitted and you want to preserve it).

Even using the attachments property from the API response, this 2 photos end with a 404 when the 3 others are successfully retrieved.

I found similar posts on the forum but no solution matching our case. It’s really important that we find a way to recover theses photos. Is it possible? Also, do you know what caused this issue so we can avoid it in the future?

Technical informations

Form URL
Enketo Express for KoboToolbox

Form ID

Answer _id
446485587c (but many face the same problem)

Thanks in advance for your support.

@alexandreannic, just wanted to know when you get this error message. Do you get it when trying to edit your submissions?

Hello Kal Lam,
From everywhere, we cannot get the photos from the datatable (KoboToolbox), when editing and even from the API.

@Kal_Lam sorry to push but any news on this? It’s really important for us to recover these photos.