Error on ODK uploads

Dear All,
I am getting an error when uploading questionnaires completed using ODK Collect. This is the error:

Error: Generic Exception: hostname in certificate didn’t match: <>!=<> OR <>
What could be the cause and how do I solve this error?

Dear Kal_Lam, I am getting an error when uploading questionnaires completed using ODK Collect. This is the error: Error: Generic Exception: hostname in certificate didn’t match: <>!=<> OR <> What could be the cause and how do I solve this error? Thanks

Welcome to the community, @GodfreyT! Is this an issue for a single device or is it an issue with other devices too?

Dear Kal_Lam,
Thank you for your response. It is a problem with all my devices (10 of them), I used them three months ago without a problem. Now I want to complete a project and I cannot upload. I am using Samsung tablets (Android 4.2.2).

@GodfreyT, you must also use the old Collect Android App version. Could you also try using the latest Android OS and install the latest version of the Collect Android App to see how it behaves? Generally, the latest version of the app supports many more features and includes many more bugs fixed.