Error processing form (Time displayed on Android app while accessing form is 2 hours before the form was deployed)

Hello all.
I have forms that have been deployed successfully but I am having trouble having the forms Processed on the Kobo collect app on the android phones. I see a 2 hour lag between the time the form is deployed and when it’s downloaded on the collect app. Can I be helped.
Thank you

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Hello @Oku_law,
the time lag may be caused by wrong date/tkme/timezone configuration of the phone. Or the form just references the server time/timezone.
@Josh could explain whuch time is referenced on form.version level here.

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Time zone configuration seems fine as seen in the screenshot below.

May be @josh can help out

Hi @Oku_law and @wroos, the date and time displayed in the form version string is UTC time, so it will not necessarily match with your local timezone.


@wroos @Josh please what if the form cannot be processed but has been deployed? How can that be addressed?

@Josh @wroos

I am facing the same problem with one of my forms even though I’ve been able to download other forms. Please help me out

Welcome @fteinartey,
Did you check the form with the online validator? Can you preview the form with the validator?
What error do you get in Collect? Can you provide a screenshot, please?
Can you use this form in Enketo (online)?

Hint: You can edit your posting, clicking on the pencil below.

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