Error sending data to server


je suis entrain d’envoyer les donneers au serveur et je recois le message d’erreur 404 : Error generic exception /submission?deviceID=imei%3A357951102…


Are you using Collect android app?

Oui, sur ODK collect dans un telephone android

Have you installed both the KoBoCollect android app and the ODK Collect android app in your device?

non non, j’ai que Kobo collect

Would you mind sharing the screenshot of the General Settings>Server?

le voici

Is your survey project still active? Could you share with me the name of your survey project as well?


I now get it. It seems that you are trying to submit collections to a shared project that was shared to you by someone else. When collecting data for a shared project you will need to configure the General Settings>Server of your Collect android app as follows:






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je viens de reesayer ca me donne toujours le message d’erreur.

Alors, le mot

I am interested knowing on how you got the survey project to your Collect andorid app with the setting you showed me earlier. Generally, for a shared project, users are able to get the blank forms to their Collect android app only with the settings that i recently shared with you.

Bonjour Kal,

je viens de me rendre compte compte d’ou vient l’erreur. au fait, mon assistant sur terrain a apporte les modifications sur les questionnaires et les a inserer manuellement dans les tablettes (donc les donnees ont ete collectes via le formulaire inserer dans les tablettes offline dans le dossier odk puis forms).

Raison pour laquelle toutes les donnees collectees affiche le nuage rouge avec point d’interrogation a l’interieur et n’acceptent pas etre envoye au serveur.

Il existe autre possibilite des les envoyer au serveur ?

sinon le plan B que j’ai est d’utiliser briefcase mais j’ai peur les les entetes soient des noms et non les libelles.


Is the modification made in the server too? If yes, there is a workaround. If no, maybe you will need to manage and analyze your data manually.

je viens de redeployer le questionnaire modifie au serveur mais envin.
Quelle est la solution de contournement ?

Et aussi, vous consiellez d’utiliser quelle autre application pour la gestion manuelle a part briefcase et kobo sync


You could now follow this support article Manually Uploading Submissions to upload your submissions manually to the server.

Hi! Is there any problem you can encounter because you installedKoboCollect android and ODK Collect android in the same device?

Hi @jules_hakizimana_00,

As stated in the Data Collection on KoboCollect App (Latest Version) — KoboToolbox documentation

KoboCollect is a fork of ODK Collect. As of today, there are no substantive differences between the two apps. Users are free to use either one for data collection. KoboToolbox is fully compatible with both apps.

Please note that it is not recommended to have both apps installed simultaneously as this could lead to some confusion depending on the Android settings.

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Hi @hakan_cetinkaya
Thank you. I’m going to uninstal ODK.
