Error uploading csv file

Hello all,

I was trying to upload choices as CSV file as shown here . However, I get an error like this

I cannot find the mistake I make.
Thanks in advance.

Hi @mrt_ky,

Welcome to the community! I just tried out uploading a csv file for select one from file question type and was successful. Please try using the attached file:

Reference xlsform:
select_one_from_file.xlsx (10.5 KB)

Reference csv file:
fruits.csv (522 Bytes)

For reference, you could also have a look at our previous post which should outline you with detailed steps on uploading a csv file in KoBoToolbox:

Have a great day!

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Hi @Kal_Lam , I am getting an error with the same files you reffer…

Hi @vishwadeep
Could you provide context to how you were trying to operationalize this for your case? This clarification would help other users chime on your problem.


Hi @stephanealoo ,
First I upload the XLS file "select_one_from_file.xlsx file then I deploy the project then go to SETTINGS and then MEDIA and upload the CSV file “fruits.csv” and Redeploy it again.
And this error coming in the Form Builder view

@vishwadeep, when you try to edit a survey form that has the select_one_from_file question type you see this error message. It’s a but and we already have a GitHub issue for the same. You could follow it here:

Thank you @Kal_Lam
Now the issue is gone, but the form not fetching any data from the CSV file when I see it in the Preview.
For reference, I am attaching the files. Pls help me.Cascade111.csv (9.2 MB)
Project2.xlsx (12.7 KB)

Did you redeploy your survey form (after uploading/updating your csv file)?
