When I try to use a form with the pulldata function I get the error CSV column heading ", when I preview or run the form. I have uploaded the form and csv to kf.kobotoolbox.org as a trouble shooting step and it works find there, so I think its my install.
Welcome to the community, @sheldon.lucas! Woudl you mind sharing the CSV file with the community so that the community should be able to help you scan and see if your CSV should have any issues that is causing this error message to pop up.
Could you provide more details on this? Dynamic Data Attachement and pulldata functions are something different where the: the former pulls the information from a deployed survey project while the latter pulls the information through a CSV file.
I have installed KoBoToolbox on my own server.
I have a list, which I provided as csv, that I will use in a form to lookup data.
I first tried to use the pulldata function and then got the error I described.
I then tried to use the Dynamic Data Attachment support as that was a better fit, since we could add to the list via Kobo forms.
I also got the error using that functionality as well.
When I tried the pulldata function approach on kf.kobotoolbox.org and it worked, I figured something was wrong with my installation.
So you mean it works smoothly in a publicly hosted server (KoboToolbox server) but not in your self-hosted server? If this is the case, maybe you will need to recheck your configuration.
Did you solve this issue? Have you tried to put an image in the form? I think this problem is related to the fact that media files can’t be used in Kobo on Your own server installation. If someone knows how to fix it, please share with us.