Error when deploying XLS form begin_kobomatrix

Hi all!

I am brand new to creating XLS forms. I uploaded my .XLS to Kobotoolbox and when I view it, it looks perfect and works exactly as intended. However, when I go to deploy it, I get a 500 Error “unable to deploy”

Running my file through ODK - XLSForm Online v2.x it tells me there is an error with my begin_kobomatrix and I have no idea what it is talking about. I seem to have the right syntax but I could be completely oblivious of the problem here. Which why I need your help!!!

Thank you in advance,

Hi @nala974, Welcome to the community
“500 Error” is a server error,
as for “begin_kobomatrix” there is no datatype called “begin_kobomatrix”
type : begin_group
name : begin_kobomatrix
label : begin kobomatrix

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@nala974, you should also be able to learn more about the matrix question through this support article Question Matrix Response Type.

Thank you @Kal_Lam
I didn’t know about this point “begin_kobomatrix”

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Hi! I have looked at this tutorial but do not see where the error is coming from unfortunately

Could I send you a copy of my file privately? I tried removing the matrices and it still will not deploy.

Error has been resolved. The issue had to do with using “model” as a “name”. Changed it to “model1” and was able to deploy.

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@nala974, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: