Error when linking projects

Hi. I have been trying to link two projects but when I try to preview the child project I get the following error

And when I try to open the child project I get the following error:

Here is my xls of the child project:

Child project connect settings

Parent project connect settings

Is there something that I’m doing wrong? The name “incidentlog” is consistent across the xml form and connect settings. Do I need to know the name of the xml file generated by the parent project?

@dtrotman, could you also let us know the server you are using? Have you tried this in one of our publicly hosted server (if you are using a private server)?

Hi Kal_Lam. I’m using the latest version ( 2.023.04) on my own private server. I just tried and it seems to work on the public server. I tried using the same settings and forms on both but I’m still getting the error on the private server. Are there any troubleshooting steps that you can suggest?

Hello @dtrotman , were you able to hack on the issue? I am experiencing the same issue now. did you get it solved please?

No, unfortunately. I simply had to do without. The workaround was to export and share the data from the parent with relevant persons, and then they enter data into the child project based on that. Not ideal but I couldn’t figure it out before we needed it.