Error when uploading record "this record name or ID Already Exists "

Hi all

I have issue when submitting the record on one of our forms, and it says "this record name or ID Already Exists "
can any one tell me why ?

Welcome back to the community @mohamera. Would you also kindly share with the community the screenshot of your issue so that the community would be able to better understand your situation?

Do you see this error when you change your browser?

Actually didn’t try different browser,

Try a different modern browser like Chrome, Firefox, Edge etc.

the one is used is chrome.
now trying with Firefox, because it is quit long form so it take some time to finish

will let you know , Thanks

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with use of Firefox it works fine, and record uploaded.



@mohamera, thank you for confirming!

Is there a different approach to this? Something that doesnt involve changing browsers? My form uses a pre-loaded data to select names of respondents and their data prior to start of interview. I formatted the default instance name as code name - full name, all taken from the preloaded data. I noticed that this happens when user enters more than one draft form from the same codename/person.
Changing the record name when saving as draft doesnt work either.

@KulotHacks, clearing the cache of the browser should solve the issue.