Error while loading form by respondent

When my respondent is opening link to form to provide his response, following error is coming:

“Error occured during the loading of this form.
Please contact with the link to this page and the error message below:
TypeError: time2[0].padStart is not a function”

Can you please help to resolve this error.
Thank you

Welcome to the community, @sanjyoti! Is this an issue for only a single respondent or is this a common issue with multiple respondents?

Presently, this is occuring to single respondent.

So you mean your other team members do not have the loading issue? If yes, request the respondent/enumerator to change the browser to a modern one like Chrome, Edge, Firefox etc. This should solve the issue. Please also be informed that the browser should also be updated to its latest version.

Ok, thank you. will try that.

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