Error with adjusting the data in the existing forms

Hi @elisha_j, Your problem might be because of the question limitation. I duplicated your form in my account and just filled the few questions, and there was no problem, as soon as i filled the all questions i started getting the error. So I will tag the Kal here so you can have more information from him.

@Kal_Lam Hi, I reviewed his form, there is already 542 questions in this form and i believe at least 40-50 of them are matrix questions with the possible Repeat this group if necessary option checked. So is there any limit for the number of columns in the kobo?

copy of the original form: Enketo Express for KoboToolbox


I’d be happy to help you with that error. To assist you effectively, could you please provide more details about the error you’re encountering? Additionally, it would be helpful to know which platform or system you’re using for the form submission and any specific error messages you’re seeing. With that information, I can provide you with tailored guidance on how to resolve the issue. Click here