Server Issue 2/13/2024

Hi team,

As of now, we are facing a server issue, when we would like to edit any form or send a submission, we get this error below. I tested it with a few devices, a few different internet connections, and an account. It might be from enketo side as well because sometimes it says too many request.

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Thank you for brining this to the community, @osmanburcu! We are investigating and will get back to you once we resolve this issue.

@osmanburcu, it should be working by now. Let us know if it should have issues again!

Hi @Kal_Lam, Yes, it looks like it is solved. Thank you

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@osmanburcu, thank you for confirming!

Dear @Kal_Lam,

Problem start appearing again, we don’t see the links now

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Thank you for bringing this back to us, @osmanburcu! We are investigating!

I am having it right now the same problem, please advise

Please just wait, The Kobo team will inform the community when the problem is solved.


not solved yet

@Mhedy, @venture_2019, we are working on a fix for this issue. We will get back to you once we resolve it.

@osmanburcu, @Mhedy, @venture_2019, kindly please be informed that the issue has been resolved now! Thank you for bringing this to our attention!

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Thank you so much, its now working smoothly

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@Mhedy, :clap: :heart: :partying_face: