Even for the forms with 2k submissions is refusing to download

Hi @Kal_Lam , I have been facing the same issue for all my forms for the last two weeks on the humanitarian server. Some of my forms have like 130k records and process forever when I try generating the export. Even for the forms with 2k submissions the same issue is happening. Kindly support.

@thadeouspascal, as a workaround (until we make a fix), please try downloading your data in the XLS (legacy) format. It should work without any issues.

Alright thanks. Legacy export option not quite friendly in regards to output. But we shall use that as we wait for the fix. Thanks

@thadeouspascal, we will update you once we fix the issue.

@thadeouspascal, please be informed that the issue has been resolved! Thank you for your kind understanding and patience!