Excel export stuck in 'Processing'... again

Hi guys.

One of my forms is stucking in ‘processing’ when i try export to XLS. The problem doesn’t happen when i export to XLS old format. My form have 22K surveys and the last successfull XLS export was in october 20th.

@diogosantos, could you also let us know the server you are using?

kf.kobotoolbox.org by computer
kc.kobotoolbox.org by cell phone

@diogosantos, could you also share the project name so that I can troubleshoot your issue?

V1 - Cadastro Social para REURB - A Casa é Sua


V2 - Cadastro Social para REURB - A Casa é Sua

Last sunday i was able to export a v2 file, after 10 days trying, but i’m not able anymore.

P.S. - I’m using Opera Browser. This afternoon i tryied in Edge browser and it works!

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@diogosantos, thank you for the updates. Yes, using updated & modern browsers (such as Chrome, Edge, Firefox, etc.) should help you solve a lot of browser compatibility issues.

Hi @Kal_Lam. Today I’m trying to export in Edge browser again, but is not working anymore.

I think that isn’t a compatibility browser problem with Kobo. It’s something else on Kobo service.

@diogosantos, are you still stuck with this issue?

No @Kal_Lam. Thanks.

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Thank you for confirming, @diogosantos!