Excel export stuck in ‘Processing’ - unable to download excel data results

Hi, I’m facing issues downloading dat as the excel csv or XLS format

today is the second waiting


I am currently unable to export XLS project data from several projects and different KoboToolbox accounts. I have tried multiple times in the last 48 hours. I have tried deleting the ‘Processing’ export, and retrying the download - nothing has worked yet.

Please need your support. Thanks


I am currently unable to export XLS project data from several projects and different KoboToolbox accounts. I have tried multiple times in the last 48 hours. I have tried deleting the ‘Processing’ export, and retrying the download - nothing has worked yet.
Posted in community center and didn’t get any feedback

Please need your support. Thanks

@atis, could you also let us know the server you are using? In addition, could you also let us know the total submissions your project has that you cannot download? A screenshot of the image should also be helpful to visualize your issue pictorially. These details should help us troubleshoot your issue.

Thanks for quick response, “pccr”
attached is the details

the username “pccr” has been shared and we are still waiting for your feedback

Hi @atis,

By the looks of your URL, it seems you are using a custom server. If that’s the case, can you contact the admin of the server, so they can provide you with more information?

Hope this works.

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I’m the one who create account and I have been downloading the data without any problem , could you please explain more about the customer server

Hi @atis,

There are 2 public instances of Kobotoolbox:

From the URL you showing in your screenshot, I think you are using a custom server KoboToolbox on Your Computer or Server — KoboToolbox documentation. Export stuck in Proccessing might be a server side problem. So I would suggest you to contact the admin of your server.

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Thanks hakan for your clarifications. Moreover, could you please provide additional information if any; on how I can reach out to the admin as you suggested.
Thank you once again. Regards