Export download problem

Im having problems exporting all the raw data from the kobotoolbox tabels.
I see all the data, but when I select all the questions to export only text is exported and no numbers from the data fields?

Can someone point me in the right direction to fix please.

cheers Jason

Welcome to the community, @jasontwd! Could you kindly share a screenshot of your issue with the community (where you can see the data in the server and where you cannot see the data when downloading it in XLS format) so that we can understand and help you?

Thanks, This is the data in kobo

The export here does not contain it.

Found the problem, The client was using an older form and the newr tables have been modified.
I tested with a new post and its comming thru in the download now.

Thanks Jason

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@jasontwd, Thank you for sharing the solution with the entire community! :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

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