Export Failed Error

Hi @Kal_Lam

I am getting error while i am trying to export data

Please help

form is enclosed for your kind reference

test 6th.xlsx (16.1 KB)

Cheers !


Here is a post discussed previously on why you get this type of error (it should help you solve your issue):

Steps to solve your issue:

  • Download your xlsform (different deployed versions) by cloning them.
  • Check the differences (especially focus on repeat group questions).
  • Identify the changes and edit the xlsform accordingly.
  • Replace the xlsform and redeploy.
  • You should be able to download your dataset without any issue.

Thanks for Such a prompt reply as usual.
Please guide that in case i upload to new project will that work

The issue is generally seen if you redeploy your xlsform making changes to the repeat_group questions.

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Hi @Kal_Lam

Thanks a Lot , i could resolved it with the idea , what i did , i just deleted and uploaded clone form in new name and it worked …

i really appreciate the kind of help i used to get from Kobo Community platform.

you guys are really awesome

Cheers !
