Export stuck in processing

My export has been stuck in processing all day. There are only 8 submissions and around 800 questions with skip logic. When I export into legacy no problems there. I do have a slow internet connection so that could be the issue, but no problem getting legacy to download. Any suggestions?

Using the KC.kobotollbox.org server.


@stolbert2, 800 questions should be a lot and it should be taking a lot of the system’s resources. Advise you to make the survey shorter meaning the number of questions should be less,

Another tips, maybe also try downloading your data in XLS (legacy) format to see how it behaves.

Hello! Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately there is not much I can cut down. Its 800 because of the multiple skip logics that are necessary for the context here. Ill do what I can though to try to reduce it!

I was able to download in legacy no problem though so that could be the back up solution.

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I tried to export just a subset of questions (about 65) to see if that would work and it still gets stuck on processing. I am not trying to include fields from the previous version. Just trying to understand what the issue could be, beyond the large number of questions in my survey, so that when I do deploy it with the full sample size I wont run into issues with exporting it.

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@stolbert2, thank you for doing the necessary testing and getting back to us with how it behaves. We will get back to you if we have workarounds or a fix for this issue.

Just following up on this issue in case others run into it. I was indeed stuck in processing because of the large number of questions (~800). I dropped it down to 594 and now export works with no problem. thanks!

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@stolbert2, thank you for confirming and sharing your solution with the entire community! :bowing_man: