Please how can we export the kml with the database entered?
Download》select kml from dropdown
Hi thanks for replying, please I don’t have dropdown, please can you send me a screen capture please
Kindly regard
Hi; Thanks, yes , when i download all the points, in
KML, i convert it in Shapefile in Arcgis10, there, i see te points but without database.
- Please when GPS coordinate is not working in a smartphone, how to solve it please?
kindly regard.
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KoBo recently published a help article to explain how to export and upload your data into GIS software as a shapefile with all the associated data included (not just GPS coordinates).
Hi sir;
Thank’s, let me try!!
Le jeu. 25 juil. 2019 Ă 21:32, Michael de St Aubin via KoBoToolbox Community Forum noreply@community.kobotoolbox.org a Ă©crit :
Fantastic, thank You Sir
Le dim. 28 juil. 2019 Ă 20:55, Gabriel Elomba elombagabriel2017@gmail.com a Ă©crit :
Hello @mike.destaubin he (interesting) link is broken now. But “GPS” (capital) can be found in the new support pages