External GPS

We use a mesa 2 tablet to collect our data when we are in the field and either a geode sub-meter gps receiver or a Garmin GPS. Most of our field sites are very remote, so relying on the gps on our phones or tablets is often not feasible. Is there anyway to use an external gps to fill in the form?


Essentially if you set up your android to consider the external GPS device as the primary GPS device to be used, then the KoBoCollect app will use that device. So this is not a programming issue but more of your device setting. This article may help you to do it https://docs.google.com/document/d/1zy_0N6MyI0uSwZMPoEK5O8EmLZeHfERRlDIoiRw2bR0/mobilebasic?pli=1

Credits go to the owner of the article and discussions on ODK forum https://forum.opendatakit.org/t/using-external-gps-via-bluetooth/6893


Hi Michelle,

If you are using the GeodeConnect app (rather than Bluetooth GPS app) to pair the Geode to the tablet be sure to double check in Developer Options to ensure that GeodeConnect is the designated Mock Location App. And vice a versa if you are using the Bluetooth GPS app.


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Hello everyone,

As Michelle, I need to use an external GPS that will be connected to my phone via bluetooth, as I need more precise data for geolocalization for my ODK forms (I am using ODK Collect and KoboToolBox as the server). Currently, the GPS receiver that I am considering is the Garmin GLO 2 device. For this device, the app that has been recommended by the users to receive the data is the Bluetooth GPS. However, recently many users commented that Bluetooth GPS is not working properly on Android 10 devices. As I still don’t have the Garmin GLO 2 device, I can not test it with other apps. I would like to know if there are other apps that could be used alternatively that work in Android 10 and the gathered data could be used by ODK.