Failure to load the document once its finalized

Once I developed the questionnaire and deployed it online the following message keeps appearing:

“Errors occurred during the loading of this form. We do not recommend you use this form for data entry until this is resolved.

Please contact with the link to this page and the error messages below:

Can’t find _70_If_yes_please_a_ial_network_accounts.xml.
Can’t find _72_If_yes_please_a_the_relevant_webpage.xml.”

Welcome to the community, @demush! Could you kindly share with us a screenshot of your issue so that we could understand it pictorially?

Sure. Here it is.

I tried building the same document from scratch but again similar message keeps appearing

@demush, have you validated your XLSForm through this online validator? The online validator should help you identify syntax issues if any present.

The same message keeps reappearing.

@demush, could you kindly share with the community a screenshot of the error that is seen when validating it through the online validator?

Once I upload the document, nothing happens. This is the view of the window once I uploaded the document and pressed “submit”.

And just for the reference this is the document I am trying to upload.
aHs4mW3opj8vfLABu7qUsH.xlsx (13.3 KB)