We have an open question where we ask for a list of activities and the respondant is able to give as many answers as possible. We now want to make follow up questions to the answers that they gave, but we do not know how to link the follow-up questions to the names of the activities that they gave in the open question. Is this possible? Does anyone have experience with this?
Here is an example of what we mean:
Q1. What businesses do you operate?
Open response: bakery, car wash station, fruit stand
Next we want to ask 5 follow up questions for each of those activities. Such as:
are you the only owner of the bakery? who helps you run the bakery? what share of the bakery do you own? etc.
Welcome @carlaliera09
You may put the relating question (inside a group) inside an open repeat group/loop for the businesses.
begin_repeat (businesses)
begin_group (can reference name of business)
… related questions, e.g. owner …