Form failing to deploy - java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException


I have been trying to upload a test version of a much more complex form we are creating for an upcoming project. This test form is being used to test a complex form structure of repeats.

The intention is that the first repeat group will repeat either until we have consent from a household member or until there are no households left within the dwelling.

The nested repeat asks household members for consent and will repeat until consent is given or there are no members left within the household.

So Group 1 repeats until consent is given within Group 2.

I have tested this form on ONA and it is working and deploying just fine.

But on Kobo the form will not deploy. giving the following error:

ODK Validate Errors: >> Something broke the parser. See above for a hint. java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException: Index: 1, Size: 1 Result: Invalid

My assumption is an issue with the logic used to control the repeat_count

Group 1: if(${B} = 0 or ${C}[position() = ${B}]/J = 0, ${B}+1, ${B})

Group 2: if((${E} = 0 or ${F}[position() = ${E}]/G = ‘0’) and ${E} < ${D} , ${E}+1, if(${F}[position() = ${E}]/G = ‘1’ and ${E} <= ${D}, ${E}, ${E}))

Note : It wouldn’t let me attach the XLSform as an attatchement

Hi @alex_thomson222
Welcome to the community forum. Have you tried this on this


Hi @stephanealoo,

I have yes. I use that site a lot when creating ODK forms. The form shows no errors on that site and as I mentioned in the original post, it deploys and works fine when using ONA rather than Kobo.


Just an idea to focus the problem:
For problem tracking change the type from all noted calculations to integer temporarily, esp. for pos. And make the value of position usage visible.