Form List download failed again and again

I am receiving message on my andriod phone while configuring the Kobo “if you keep having this problem. report it to the person who asked you to collect data”

Welcome to the community, @Raafay22! Could you kindly share with the community a screenshot of your issue so that the community should also be able to understand your issue pictorially and help you out?

I have attached the screenshot of message, i am receiving. I have tried to configure in android by provide the link, Username and password. i replaced “ee” in actual link and also replaced “x/yx…” with the “form name” but i am still receiving this message.

@Raafay22, could you kindly share with us a screenshot of your app’s SETTINGS>Server? We should then be able to understand your issue and help you out?

@Kal_Lam I appreciate your responce. Please see the screenshot attached,

@Raafay22, I see a typo in the URL you used.

Your URL:

Correct URL:

Leave the Username and Password settings as it is

These changes in your URL should fix the issue,

Thank you so much. Its working fine now.

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