Form list download failed when trying to get blank forms in KoBoCollect android app

I am having the same error, can anyone help??

@SIprojectmanager, @minhaj915, would you mind checking your app’s server settings? If you are still having issues, please feel free to reach out to us back with a screenshot of the server settings.

BTW, welcome to the community, @minhaj915!

Hello, i have the same problem. Please find attached the screen of the server setting.
I followed the article " Data Collection on KoboCollect App" but I still have the problem.
I checked my questionnaire on ODK - XLSForm Online. And it’s works on the internet. So I don’t know why i’m unable to download it on my app.
Please find attached the message I get from the app.
I’ve been using Kobo for a long time and it’s the first time i get this problem.
Thank you

Login using website and reconfirm your username and password. and again click on Get Blank form from the mobile. It will work.

Ramesh Gadhvi

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@PhD, were you able to resolve your issue? Try it out as advised by @rgadhvi23!

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Yes I resolved the issue, i think it was a problem with language settings. Thank you.

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@PhD, :clap: :heart: :partying_face:

I was facing similar issues.

It was fixed after I realized that my server url should be the kc subdomain, not kf subdomain.

In browser you use the kf subdomain.
In kobocollect app, you use kc subdomain.


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