Form Logic Error

Hello Dears ,

We started to collect the data from the field , and after saved some drafts we cannot load them due to this error .

FormLogicError: Could not evaluate: selected-at( /model/instance[1]/aFJWKA2iTMXdNSe9ttDgAs/All/MULTIPURPOSE.CASH.ASSISTANCE.SECTION/SHELTER.SECTION/shelter.facilities ,position(…)-1), message: Context node was not supplied.

This the link for the form:

Could you please help me in this error,
Thanks ,

I see that there have been no responses, so will add my 2 cents.

I suggest doing a search for Context node. There are several articles, but none exactly match your article. However, something may catch your eye.

The form that you linked to is very simple. I would suggest rebuilding it in two steps. One would be the single fields - and test the form to make sure there are no errors. Then I would add the cascading logic. Start by using the example in the help center. Then if all is ok, replace it with your values, either using the XLS form or simply rebuilding again. Since that is the only place that you have complex logic, that is where I would expect to find your issue.

If you still have issues, I would post another note, detailing exactly the steps to reproduce your error.

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