Form preview error

When i want to use Enketo server by click on eye Icon in form, this error occurs

Loading Error

Error occured during the loading of this form. It is recommended not to use this form for data entry until this is resolved.

Please contact with the link to this page and the error message below:

  • Could not connect with Form Server

,please help me as possible. The image of errors are attached. This part used to work properly.

Thanks in advanced

Hi My friend
when i want to use Enketo server by click on eye Icon in form, this error occurs ,please help me as possible. The capture of errors are attached. This device used to work properly.

Kobo Server :Locally
Os ubuntu

Have you validated your xlsform in one of our publicly hosted servers to see if they work smoothly there?

Hi. This problem is on all of the xlsform’s. not just this form.
Previously, this option worked properly, without any problems.

this is one of them for example
atcqXBhY4s4NZrnQmBP3L6.xlsx (7.7 KB)

@arash.nazari.iran, would you mind validate your xlsform with this online validator to see if there are any syntax issues? The online validator should be able to help you identify with syntax issues present in your xlsform.

The form is valid on online form validator.
tee result attached.

I say agein:
This problem is on all of the xlsform’s. not just this form.
Previously, this option worked properly, without any problems.

My main problem in this issue is edit data in table tab as below figure
this error apprear

> There was an error getting Enketo edit link

It seems the Enketo module in not working properly.
This problem has also occurred in the above part that I told you about( In form validation)

Hi @arash.nazari.iran
Can you confirm if this issue still persists on your end?


Hi @stephanealoo
yes , my problem is still remain.
please help me as possible. If you can, I send you the remote info to connect on my server .

Hi, im not sure if you solve this, but this is the way I did it. Just add the kpi link to the enketo configuration at ~/kobo-env/enketo_express/config.json like this:

"linked form and data server": {
    "api key":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",       
    "name": "KoboToolbox",        
    "server url": ""    


Although the preview and edit error was fixed, now the “Link Missing”, it has a weird behavior but at the end it worked, first I added the kf and the preview and edit were fixed, but the missing link appeared, then I added the kc and the “Link Missing” was fixed but the “Server Error 500” appeared again in the preview, then I left it blank and everything works.