Preciso saber qual fórmula para calcular dias úteis.
Tenho uma pergunta com: DIA DA RECLAMAÇÃO e uma outra com DIA DA RESPOSTA e preciso que o Kobo calcule os dias úteis.
Eu já tenho a fórmula que calcula os dias corridos, mas preciso contar em dias úteis.
By ‘business days’ I assume you mean excluding weekends, Saturday & Sunday?
If so, then you will first have to determine the day-of-week of both your start and end days. (see Calculating week-of-year for a date - Showcase - ODK Forum for how you can go about this). Adjust your start date (up) & end date (down) to remove weekends.
You can then calculate the number of days between your two dates, divide this by 7 to get number weeks (keep the remainder…), multiply by 5 to get number of business days.
Hopefully you get the idea.
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