Freeze a text based on the currency entered

Bonsoir chère tous,
Je suis sur une enquête où je demande de renseigner les dépenses journalières. Mon inquietude se situe au niveau de la devise, je veux figer la devise (si possible) dans le formulaire de telles sorte que lors de la saisie l’enquêteur ne rentre que la partie décimal.
Exemple: …Euro aparait lors de la collecte et l’enquêteur devra mettre 13 pour faire 13Euro

@black, this is now available, but you could still do it as outlined in the image shared below:

In the survey tab of your xlsform:

In the choices tab of your xlsform:

Image 2

Data entry screen as seen in Enketo:

Reference xlsform:

Currency name.xlsx (10.6 KB)

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Merci cela resout la situation.

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Albright thanks, this works

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Hi @Kal_Lam can this solution be used for ‘select_multiple’? I’m having trouble as when selected more than one the reference appears “undefined”
Impact Measurement Survey.xlsx (81.9 KB)

You would need to use selected-at() to get the reference in your repeat_loops. See ODK XForms Specification.
With the search function of this forum you can find more hints and examples, e.g.

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