Frontpage to read data from database


Does anyone have any template/built webpage we can use to read and display the data we collected? because the user is not allowed to access the database, so they can just read from the front page rather than download the data into excel format.


Sorry, @chenboly! Did not understand your request. Is this something you are trying to test with KoboToolbox?

@Kal_Lam I mean if we want to display the collected data in the web portal, does kobotoolbox has this feature? As for now we can only see the collected data via kobotoolbox backend and export to CSV format.

For example: after we collected a million data in the record and we search a data in one record and show the search results in our own web portal. Is there any template for this development?

Hi @chenboly, here is a public dashboard using Kobo as the data source, so if you have a technical team they could use this as an example. Perhaps the community has a better template for what you’re looking for. You can also refer to the support article here for getting started with the API to access your data.