Good day team
Writing out of a rural village in Uganda.
We collected different polygons by each interviewer with ODKCollect.
When reviewing the coordinates of the geoshape in the KoboToolBox interface, all 8 uploaded interviews show at least a set of coordinates saves in the geoshape column.
However when a GeoJSOn extract is generated, only some (6) of the interviews still show polygons upon visualistion. (using
We struggle to understand why for some interviewers the polygons no longer appear in the GeoJSON file.
Thank you
I can share the files however as new user
that seems not yet possible on the forum…
Hereby the GeoJson extract:
“type”: “FeatureCollection”,
“name”: “260423”,
“features”: [
{“type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: {“type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [[[31.9039148, 0.1774198, 1224.1], [31.9036701, 0.1773628, 1222.6], [31.9037467, 0.1770799, 1223.4], [31.9039391, 0.177089, 1223.7], [31.9039148, 0.1774198, 1224.1]]]}, “properties”: {“username”: “Alex”, “Plot1Area”: “0.21292081467719734”, “_uuid”: “732fbc3b-7306-4487-93a9-1d35a888e743”}},
{“type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: {“type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [[[31.9037535, 0.1771045, 1208.2], [31.9039746, 0.1770443, 1207.9], [31.9039233, 0.1774037, 1209.5], [31.9036756, 0.1773115, 1210.6000000000001], [31.9037535, 0.1771045, 1208.2]]]}, “properties”: {“username”: “Allan”, “Plot1Area”: “0.20885084381288907”, “_uuid”: “055d6b4f-9bed-4d6f-9a14-5f2f63790b88”}},
{“type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: {“type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [[[31.9039441, 0.1774187, 1212.5], [31.9036943, 0.1773605, 1209.1000000000001], [31.903755, 0.1770813, 1211.7], [31.9039913, 0.1771115, 1209.6000000000001], [31.9039441, 0.1774187, 1212.5]]]}, “properties”: {“username”: "Musabe ", “Plot1Area”: “0.2281547369891959”, “_uuid”: “cc6871eb-4560-4c16-ae26-f46769e398b2”}},
{“type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: {“type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [[[31.9039676, 0.1770469, 1214.3], [31.9039272, 0.1774086, 1217.9], [31.9036783, 0.1773465, 1211.3], [31.9037622, 0.1770668, 1215.2], [31.903899, 0.1770415, 1212.0], [31.9039676, 0.1770469, 1214.3]]]}, “properties”: {“username”: “Priscah”, “Plot1Area”: “0.23357204084157343”, “_uuid”: “406fc9e6-a5c8-4c83-a472-6cc40f3e1ed0”}},
{“type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: {“type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [[[31.9039433, 0.1772767, 1226.0], [31.903932, 0.1773568, 1226.0], [31.9036739, 0.1773657, 0.0], [31.9037114, 0.1772755, 0.0], [31.9037373, 0.1771619, 0.0], [31.9038813, 0.1770898, 0.0], [31.9039433, 0.1772767, 1226.0]]]}, “properties”: {“username”: "KHADIJAH ", “Plot1Area”: “0.15380477239145357”, “_uuid”: “a653b92a-a597-4a1a-bcd8-669760b94b3b”}},
{“type”: “Feature”, “geometry”: {“type”: “Polygon”, “coordinates”: [[[31.9036693, 0.1773388, 1208.4864501953125], [31.9036769, 0.1773273, 1209.6474609375], [31.9037426, 0.1770503, 1210.8897705078125], [31.9039961, 0.1770516, 1200.274658203125], [31.9039797, 0.1770938, 1202.9326171875], [31.9036693, 0.1773388, 1208.4864501953125]]]}, “properties”: {“username”: "Rosemary ", “Plot1Area”: “0.12540724699104527”, “_uuid”: “7a69c39d-6cef-4830-a6af-72ecd0fc256f”}}