Get data on repeat group and sett logic

Hi Kobo lover again …
@Kal_Lam @stephanealoo

How to get data and sett script (choice_filter) on repeat group.



Hi @tulus45,

Build your xlsform with the cascading select feature in the repeat group question as you would do normally. Please see a sample of mine, if you wish to workaround:

In the survey tab:

In the choices tab:

The magic to allow cascading select does not lie within the xlsform, instead it lies within the newly released KoBoCollect android app (v1.23.3k) which now supports this feature (and is available in Google playstore). Kindly please note that the earlier version of KoBoCollect does not support this feature.

Reference xlsform:
Cascading Selects (Repeat Groups).xls (44.5 KB)

How to sett filter at Q515.5 (next count) ? I want to hide option that selected before.

Option that’s selected at first count, must be hidden at second count.

I need cascading select feature like this in the repeat group :

Ya, I can apply it to the same group. But how to sett it from previous group (count).

Hi @tulus45,

Seems like you wish to have a walk-around with the indexed-repeat feature. Please see the post that has been discussed earlier. It should help you.