GPDR and kobo


according to our local gpdr equivalent law, i had to see user audit trails on forms data. I can only see username (if I enable by editin form) and submission time (a metadata) fro each form. I think, this represents only the latest change.
but if i want to see changes made throughout the life of the form, how can i do that?

Unfortunately we have no direct way of getting this. However since you control the access to your forms, you could build in questions meant to check on this such as password mimicking questions such as a text or numbers with constraints. That way you get to track who exactly changed the last version. As indicated the workarounds are wholly dependent on your design ability and the model of sharing the forms.


Hi, thanks for your feedback.

I want to know how to track changes with a specific example. Lets say I have a name field in a form and I want to know (for the 5 consequent/following changes)
1- Oiginal name
2- new name
3- date of change
4- name of our employee who done the change

how can I achieve this through a kobo form…?

This is not directly provided for by the system. My suggestion would be you create a parallel and independent log tracking that will enable you track the activity you are looking for.


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Can we direct this request to developers?
They may want to incorporate such a functionality to kobo. even downloadable CSV file may be enough to see user audit trails…

This is something important as data protection laws enforce us to have such features…
