Grid theme not working

Hello group,

I have several forms prepared using the Grid Theme to be used on Enketo/Browser.

Since this morning, all forms are being displayed on Single Page layout, although Grid Theme still appears as the selected option.

This happened in all forms from my deployed, draft and archived list and the same problem happens when other users are accessing the forms.

Anyone knows of any recent problem in this direction?

Thank you.

Dear Otcosta,
I have same problems in my all deployed forms. Grid Themes is choosed but its not appeared at all.
By the way all uploaded media are disappeared. So I hope they fix the problems ASAP.

I have the same issue. Is some one have an idea about the cause ?
And this is observed since Friday 6/7/2019.

I have the same issue. All my forms are grid-theme and they are not working.

I noticed it today 11-06-2019


@otcosta @emreozkan90 @bcpercy @Sarah_Mac

Thanks for posting about this, it appears to be a bug with KoBo or Enketo. I will write up a brief report and keep you all posted on its progress towards being resolved.

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the issue resolved for me. Had to redeploy some forms, but otherwise grid is back.
The only thing I noticed is radio questions (select_one) that are supposed to be horizontal in appearance show in vertical position.


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All, as @Sarah_Mac pointed out, the issue should now be resolved on the users end.

I can ask our developers to take a look at the question appearance issue to see if its related.

Thank you mike.destaubin


For me the issue still . You may continue to seek the solution.

C Percy

The problem seems to be resolved for me. I just refreshed the form.

C Percy

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Hello all,

It also works for me, seems solved.

Thanks a lot for the support.

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@Sarah_Mac the question appearnce issue should also now be resolved.

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Hi mike.destaubin,

Sorry, I just checked and it is not resolved for me. I redeployed the form and it is not horizontal.


Hi @Sarah_Mac,

Have you tried it by refreshing the survey form? Maybe that is how it would work.

Also, try clearing your cache and reloading the form

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Thank you Kal_Lam and mike.destaubin,

Cleared the cache, redeployed the form, opened new form in a Chrome web browser and unfortunately the problem still persists, it is still vertical appearance of radio buttons instead of horizontal.


Sorry, I just checked on Safari browser on IPad and it looks good. Radio buttons are horizontal.
It is probably on my side then,



Hi everyone, in my case it’s not working like before and it’s quite an issue… trying to look around for solutions but i wasn´t expecting it…

Thank for any help

The previsualization works, but not when recollecting the data via “Con conexión-Sin conexión (entradas múltiples)”

Muchas gracias por la ayuda

What are you using for data collection in this case?