Groups and repeat groups Api Import

I am working with the API and I can’t see how to import data that are groups, I have followed the video that is discussed in several threads and it works but when there are groups it does it wrong and generates new columns with the name of the group/field. Is there any idea about this?

@sowe, could you also let the community know on what you intend to do? Could you also share your API so that the community should be able to help you out if anything is missing?

Hi @Kal_Lam ,
This is the endpoint ( and this is the body .

  "submission" :{
    "formhub": {
      "uuid": "uuid"
 and the error code is 400 bad request  but if remove the object json , the insert works , but when add a new summit via web kobo add a new columns with group/fields . I try change the name colum with this patter but donsen't works

So, i know how to import the group questions, but the repeat groups are still a mystery for me. for Group questions, you shouldn’t use , this needs to work now

  "submission" :{
    "formhub": {
      "uuid": "uuid"