Help! Downloaded XLS data is not opening

I just created a questionnaire and have successfully deployed it. Note, it is a single respondent online option. So I shared the link with a friend to respond for testing purposes. However, after 1 submission and I try to download the data and it downloaded but cannot open. The reply is “could not be found” See the screenshot:

Please help so I can start data collection

Welcome to the community, @femidavid! Have you tried downloading your data in XLS (legacy) format as shown in the image below?


Yes, I do as you said. Successfully downloaded and opened it. Thank you

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Note: there is warning icon beside it that says “This export format will not be supported in the future. Please consider using one of the other export types available.”

How can I continue to use the other export types and not experiencing unable to open?

@femidavid, you don’t need to worry about the warning. The community will be notified when the feature is dropped and an alternative feature is provided.

Okay. Thank you for the quick reply to my questions and complains. If I experience difficulties in accessing the data later, I will not hesitate to seek your help. Thank you once again and I appreciate your support.

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