I am trying to update a survey and the platform gives me this error message:
Server error (500)
Can you please post the form you are trying to deploy, and which server are you working on (ie the URL in your browser)
URL: KoboToolbox
https://eu.kobotoolbox.org should be working fine now.
Can you please post a copy of your XLSForm definition that you are trying to deploy. There may be a problem with your form; some errors may result in a ‘500’ response from the server…
You appear to have an error in the form, specifically you are missing a choice list called ‘agua2’.
Looking at your form you only appear to have ‘agua’.
You may want to consider running your forms thru the Online Validator first if you ever hit any weird issues trying to deploy them. This also reports the apparent issue.
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Thank you so much!!!
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