How can I GET form structure

I’m new in Kobo, and I need GET data and GET Structure through API endpoints.
I was unable to find a complete documentation with list of endopoints

Im trying with[asset_uid]/versions/[version_id]
In postman I got { "detail": "Not found." }
With or without Token
But in the navigator (chrome or edge) I got information about the structure, something like this: [Image]

Also I tried a curl in Ubuntu console (WSL2) and in System’s Symbol (Win11) but I Got same result

@drossi-dg, maybe this post discussed previously should help you with the same:

I found the problem and solution

Why it did work in the browser but did not work on postman or curl?
It worked in the browser because I was logged in

When I tried with Postman, I never sent my token (same case with curl). So, adding my token in postman (or corrects headers in curl), I could get information.

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Thank you for sharing the solution with the entire community, @drossi-dg! :clap: :heart: :partying_face: