How can I show in a note the information selected in the second... third... etc field in a repeat


I’m building a form where I have a repeat question, usually at the end of the form I show a little summary with note type questions the information stated above, because my coordinators need to send that through whatsapp.
So, my problem is the information inserted in the first repeat, it shows normally, but the information inserted in the second, thrid… or other I don’t know how to show it.

This is my form:

The second repeat:

The summary:

My xls form:
Cápsula Informativa.xlsx (92.4 KB)

I also can’t see the answer for “personas con discapacidad” I don’t understand why If I’m using the same procedure as the others that have a select one question :frowning:

Thank you in advance

When you present previous responses on a note question, you are basically using the calculation functionality of the forms. As it is, when you have repeat groups, you need to note that an index for the repeat has to be mentioned for it to bring the specific repeat instance. My suggestion would be you change the reference using indexed-repeat functionality on the repeat groups. Have a look at the following article that tries to explain the repeat index logic.


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Thank you!! It worked, I get the list name, but even with jr:choice-name I can’t get the label. I don’t know what else to do…

Hi @analucia_espinoza,

Would you mind going over to the discussion that has happened earlier. It should solve your issue:

Have a great day!