How do i change my calculated age value from 9.87563832 to 9.9 or 9.88 in KoBotoolbox?

One last thing: My auto calculated age is now like: 9.87563832 if I want only 1/2 digit after point then what should I do?

Hi @maruf,

You could change it as outlined in the discussion that has happened earlier:

Have a great day!

I used the round function. In preview section its still showing like 9.87563832 . The round figure will appear in the database but not in the preview section, is it?

Hi @maruf,

Would you mind sharing your xlsform with the round function so that we could have a look at it.

Have a great day!

Hi @maruf,

I see an incomplete syntax for the round function in your xlsform. i.e. you are currently using round(${CollectDate}-${Case_idnt_DOB}) div 365. Please use the following round((${CollectDate}-${Case_idnt_DOB}) div 365) and your round function should work even in the preview.

Have a great day!


Bunch of thanks. It’s working now!

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